Engineering students have actually developed some practical skills which are highly valued by employers in many sectors aside from engineering. Engineering is a broad subject that splits into different disciplines (chemical, civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering to name a few), so there is a wide range of varied careers open to engineering graduates, although you may wish to choose the career-relevant to your chosen engineering specialization. But to become a chartered engineer, you will need to take a postgraduate or Master’s Course (MEng) and gain professional experience. The good news is, you don’t have to wait for that long to get a stable job. here are some career opportunities available for engineering students.

Here are the Top 11 Career Opportunities for Engineering Students

#1. IT consultant

You might not have trouble fitting into this career, especially if you have studied electrical or computer/software engineering. IT consultants are welcome in various organizations to work in partnership with clients, guiding them on how to manage data and technology in order to meet their business objectives or overcome problems.

#2. Quality manager

As a quality manager, your job description would include ensuring that a company’s products/services meet the set standards, with quality assessment procedures to uphold those standards. As an engineering student, you should understand the importance of quality to customers and businesses, have an eye for detail, and be a good communicator.

#3. Technical writer

Technical writers are desperately needed in most industries from finance to nuclear energy to write articles or documents to help customers/clients understand how to use a product or service. This career path will be very smooth for you, particularly if you have knowledge of software packages, you could be writing manuals for high-tech products.

#4. High School, College, or University Tutor

Would you like to help other people with their studies by teaching then, taking up a job as a tutor could be the perfect position for you. Working as a high school, college, or university tutor is a very rewarding part-time job that could yield many benefits for your future career. The most common ways to get a job as a tutor is to either apply for a position as a private tutor through a job board or apply for a tutoring position at a tutoring company in your local area.

#5. Research Assistant

Working as a research assistant for any engineering student is not really as bad as it seems, its actually a plus if you wish to pursue a career in academia or further your education with a masters or doctorate after they graduate. If you’re looking to get a position at your school, you can either apply through your school’s career center or an online job board. You could also get close to your professors and let them know you’re looking for a research assistant position in their department. Being a research assistant would be to increase your connections in the engineering field and learning time.

#6. Internet Researcher Jobs

This is a great option if you’re tech-savvy. Getting paid to surf the web from the comfort of your own home sounds like a dream job, as long as you’re able to find the information you’re tasked with. There’s really no limit to who you could be working for when you’re an internet researcher. You could be researching for a broad range of industries, from looking for online information for law firms to doing the legwork for university or college departments. Elance, Upwork, Indeed,, and Craigslist are great options to look for internet researcher gigs, whether you like to work on a case by case basis or find steady work online.

#7. Teaching Assistant jobs for engineers

Being a teaching assistant is a great option for academically-inclined students who like working with other people and totally don’t mind a little bit of paperwork. Get in touch with your professor in your best subject course and ask to take the role of a teaching assistant position. However, being a teaching assistant requires a mastery of the course material you’re working with and strong communication skills to help other students. You need to be confident and fully understand a subject before applying for a teaching assistant role.

#8. ESL Tutor

Working as an English as a Second Language tutor is an option you could consider if you enjoy speaking with new people and learning with different cultures. You could work as a private ESL tutor or a tutor for an English language school in your area. To be a good ESL tutor, you need to have interpersonal and communication skills, patience, and an excellent understanding of the English language. However, if you will like to become a professional ESL teacher, you may require additional certifications to teach in that area.

#9. Freelance Writer

Freelancing as a writer is an extremely flexible and lucrative, as long as you have the time and knack for writing. There are many benefits to being a freelance writer, such as working wherever you want, setting your own writing hours and fees, and being able to find clients and projects on fields you can connect with. Read: 10 Highest Paid Engineering Majors in The World | UPDATED

#10. Grant Writer

A grant writer’s job is a bit similar to that of a freelance writer, except that writing grants demand a specialized skill that has very clear-cut rules and goals. Grant writers can work for musicians and artists who seek to apply for government and arts council grants. Other grant writers work as employees for companies, businesses, and non-profits.

#11. Social Media Coordinator

Are you an engineering student who’s addicted to posting to Facebook, surfing hashtags on Twitter, or commenting on Instagram, then you should consider working as a social media coordinator. The role of a social media coordinator is to create social media campaigns, run advertising budgets, schedule regular social media posts, and monitor and analyze social media data to find trends and engage audiences. Social media coordinators need to be detail oriented, organized, and knowledgeable about cutting-edge social media/cultural trends. To know more about career opportunities for engineering students, check out by clicking on this link


Here are the top 11 careers for engineering students. Read them carefully and choose the one that suits you. Best of luck!

