From climbing history outdoors to exploring museums filled with the details of a lost civilization. Peru is brimming with incredible sights to behold. It is the perfect travel destination for adventurers and volunteers. Any amount of time you spend in Peru will be life-changing. You cannot volunteer in this country of unbelievable beauty and generous people and remain unchanged. Volunteering in Peru is the opportunity to explore the natural and cultural riches of this country on a deeper level while at the same time, investing in making Peru a better place. Anyone who has gone to Peru in describing their experiences is of the opinion that Peru impresses everyone because of its natural diversity, vibrant colors, and wonderful people. It is considered to be one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. This is especially the case with travel hotspots such as Cusco. Enough said already, let’s get down to business.

Why Volunteer in Peru

Although Peru’s economy has developed in recent years, the country still has a very high poverty scale. Peru offers a variety of local social projects that suit the interests and abilities of each volunteer. Amongst your tasks as a volunteer in Peru, you will help new social organizations expand their connections. You can contribute to make a lasting change in the lives of people in Peru through a variety of ways. Whichever project you decide to embark on, rest assured that you will get to share your love and passion for helping others and make a huge difference for countless people.

Are there Paid Volunteering Opportunities in Peru?

Most volunteers do not work for pay in their wallets nor for checking accounts. To reward volunteers in other to motivate them, most programs give awards instead. They give the ‘outstanding volunteer of the year’ award and publish newspaper articles about volunteers’ group achievement. These awards and gestures mean more to the volunteers whom the leaders wish to inspire and to the successful pursuit of your shared mission.

Do I need a Visa to Volunteer in Peru?

Every volunteer program differs, each having its own peculiar requirements. Generally, you would need a visa to volunteer in Peru. As a citizen of most American and Western European countries, you can enter Peru on a tourist visa which is obtained when entering the country. With this visa, you can volunteer in Peru for up to 90days continuously. If you intend to stay longer than 90 days, you need to apply for another visa. You cannot re-enter the country to get a new visa for 90 days. However, there are countries that do not need a visa to volunteer in Peru.

How to Become a Volunteer in Peru?

These are the step-by-step guide on how to become a volunteer in Peru.

First, you need preparation. You need to read up on the volunteer work and find out which positions suit you from the organizations offering volunteer opportunities in Peru. Reflect on what you want to do and reach out to the volunteer organization you want to work within Peru.Once you find a volunteer opportunity that interests you, the next step is to reach out to the organization to let them know. You can do this by sending an application to the volunteer organization.After this, you’ll receive an invite for an orientation session, training session, background check, reference check, interview (in person or on phone), TB clearance, or other medical requirements.Finally, once you complete your application and have been recruited, you are ready to start your volunteer program in Peru.

Read: Volunteering In Mexico: Top 20 Opportunities In 2022

How can one find Volunteering Opportunities in Peru?

The world has gone digital. Everything you need to find today can be done from the comfort of your home. All you need to do is surf the internet to find the particular type of volunteer program which suits your taste. Listed below are about 10 Volunteer programs in Peru with links to reach out. This should guide you in your search in finding volunteering opportunities in Peru.

10 Best Peru Volunteering Opportunities in 2022

Plan my Gap YearRCDP InternationalFrontierIFRE VolunteerGlobal CrossroadLove VolunteersUbelongInternational Volunteer HQGoEcoVolunteering and Language Immersion with Maximo Nivel

#1 Plan My Gap Year:

 It was established in 2003 for helping students and professionals find meaningful volunteer experiences. In Peru, plan my gap year has several volunteering opportunities ranging from Peru English teaching program to Peru dog rescue volunteers and Peru childcare volunteers. They also have medical and healthcare volunteering opportunities where students and professionals gain hands-on experience and exposure to the Peruvian healthcare system. They work alongside doctors and nurses at local clinics. To check out volunteer opportunities in Peru offered by plan my gap year, click here

#2 RCDP International:

 Since its establishment, it has been famous for offering reputable volunteering opportunities in Peru. RCDP volunteers work with the communities in need to improve education, health, and general living standards to help close the poverty gap. RCDP volunteer opportunities in Peru has programs in orphanage, street children project, teaching English and dental clinics in public health, all of which centers around Peru. If you are someone who is passionate about gender equality and women’s empowerment, RCDP also has a program in Volunteering in Teenage Mother’s project. RCDP ensures that volunteering in Peru program fees low to enable more people to want to indicate in the volunteering program. For one week, all-inclusive program fees start at $430 and for two weeks the price starts at $570. Totally check out RCPD International here to volunnteer.

#3 Frontier:

The purpose behind Frontier’s volunteering programs is to give passionate people a chance to make a positive impact during their time volunteering in Peru. Frontier runs Peru volunteer programs on adventure and community development, amazon rainforest conservation, and teaching. The survival of one of the worlds largest rainforest which is located in Peru is at stake. Volunteers in Peru contribute towards scientific research working with a team of trained professionals. Frontier has a solid reputation for providing safe, reliable and affordable volunteer programs in Peru. The programs basically run for a period of 4 weeks and cost $2345. This covers the meals, accommodation and some internal transportation. For further enquires, click here

#4 IFRE Volunteer:

Without the worry of expensive fees, IFRE Volunteers love helping passionate people who want to help others in need and see the world through different perspectives. Many local organizations like schools, orphanages, and clinics working to serve poor communities and alleviate their struggles. These organizations are largely underfunded and undermanned, and thus, in great need of volunteers. IFRE Volunteer opportunities offer a wide range of programs like working in an orphanage in Cusco, with street children in Manu, Cusco, teaching English in rural schools in Cusco. In addtion, they offer medical/healthcare projects in Cusco, dental project, teenage mother project, wildlife volunteer in Peru, summer volunteer and adventure for 4 weeks. No matter where your interests lie, IFRE Volunteer has programs for you. To make more enquires, click here

#5 Global Crossroad:

This volunteer provider combines the dream of travelling with meaningful volunteer work, providing professional and need-targeted assistance to communities in need. They offer programs like orphanage projects, street children, and education programs. Additionally, they teach English programs to help boost the language skills of students and give them a cultural experience with a native English speaker, and a medical volunteer opportunity. This is a perfect opportunity for you to gain experience of another culture’s healthcare system and in so doing, broadening their horizons. For many years, Global Crossroad volunteering has been delivering top-quality affordable volunteering opportunities in Peru and so many people have loved their time. To check them out and for more enquires, click here

#6 Love Volunteers:

 Love volunteers offers one of the top programs in Peru. They have a program in childcare and development volunteer opportunity in Peru which is based in childcare centers in Cusco for a minimum of 2 weeks caring for at-risk, impoverished and vulnerable children and providing them with essential childcare. There are also programs in disabilities and special needs, volunteering for medical internships, and teaching English. Love Volunteer is a very reputable and widely adored Peru volunteer program provider that consistently does very well in reviews by past volunteers, who are usually quick to provide glowing reviews. Love Volunteer does not offer the cheapest volunteer in Peru programs out of all others, but neither does it offer the most expensive. The prices of Love Volunteer programs in Peru are very affordable with programs starting as low as a total of $778 for two weeks. To see their featured destinations, featured programs and reviews, click here

#7 Ubelong:

Ubelong offers the best programs in Cusco, Peru. This company has experience working with volunteers to provide high-quality and affordable programs and that is exactly why people love the organization. Their costs include meals and living expenses while you volunteer. Ubelong supports all their volunteers before departure and upon arrival, making sure they get the most of their inexpensive opportunities to volunteer in Peru. Check out their website here

#8 International Volunteer HQ:

It was established in 2007 and has had over 112,000 volunteers from 42 countries for over 200 programs. They invest strongly in their volunteers to ensure that you have the best time possible while giving back to the community. They have the English teaching Peru Volunteer program which would enable you to create a lasting impact on communities that require English to thrive. The special needs project is also available. It is geared towards making a real difference for mentally and physically disabled children. In running this program, you can assist with personal care, feeding, and playing games with the children. There are other programs in childcare, health, jungle conservation, animal care, construction, and renovation amongst others. They ensure that money does not stand in the way of your volunteering dreams. For one week, there are programs that start from $460 and go up to $595, depending on the program you are running. You would be offered value for your money with a wonderful experience in Peru. To search, inquire, or apply, click here

#9 GoEco:

GoEco offers one of the most exquisite programs. It is a program in Peruvian for endangered animals where you, as a volunteer would need to care for animals like monkeys, sloths, penguins, crocodiles and more. You will be directly involved with hands-on care for these animals who are endangered and were rescued from very alarming circumstances. You will also assist in daily operations that ensure the upkeep of the sanctuary, while also learning how to take care of endangered species. If you like working with children and is eager for the chance to visit Machu Picchu, this volunteer program is for you. Children around the age of 2-4 are taught through fun activities such as playing games and leading organized activities. It is one of the world’s top volunteer organizations, with award-winning programs that are carefully chosen by the company’s founding sustainable travel experts. To reach out to GoEco, click here

#10 Volunteering and Language Immersion with Maximo Nivel:

They are the leading organization in volunteering abroad in the world’s most beautiful countries. Their ratings are up to 95.31% and they have the best reviews from previous volunteers. Maximo Nivel has programs in childcare, wildlife and conservation, teaching English, health, construction. These programs are available in Cusco, Peru, both in and outside of the city center. This programs helps you improve your Spanish language skills while volunteering. It offers a variety of projects working with kids, conversation, or healthcare. The new volunteer programs starts every Monday year-round, and there are professional field managers.
Volunteer programs are available from 1-52 weeks, and there is a 24/7 in-country support. Academic credits are made available and to top it, there are no registration or processing fees. To visit their website and check out their prices, click here. Read: Best Volunteering Opportunities In Columbia Sc | 2022 Full List

In Conclusion

You should be excited about volunteering in Peru. It will be an incredible experience and opportunity for self-development and contribution to the world. If you consider volunteer opportunities in Peru, you will experience the rich culture and variety of beautiful landscapes. Lastly, volunteering in Peru is another great option if you want to learn more about yourself, global issues, and immerse deeply in a friendly local community.



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