This program aims to attract outstanding early and mid-career researchers from global leading institutions, operating at the groundbreaking of their disciplines, to work collaboratively with colleagues at the University of Birmingham. This post provides you with information about the University of Birmingham IAS Vanguard Research Fellowships Programme in the UK. You can quickly see the table of contents below to get an overview of what this post entails.

What You Need To Know About The University of Birmingham IAS Vanguard Research Fellowships Program

The University of Birmingham has been leading the way as a global university since 1900; it was the first civic university to allow students from every background to study at its beautiful, leafy green campus. A member of the Russell Group of Universities, this research-intensive institution has world-leading academics including Nobel prize winners and offers over 300 programs from business to biosciences, engineering to psychology. Birmingham has been challenging and developing great minds for more than a century. Characterized by a tradition of innovation, research at the University has broken new ground, pushed forward the boundaries of knowledge, and made an impact on people’s lives.

Level/Field Of Study

This fellowship is open for Early and Mid-Career researchers. Study Subject: Colleagues will focus on new and existing areas – topics that are timely, relevant, address national and international priorities, and cross-disciplinary boundaries.

Host Nationality

I can take the fellowship in the UK.

Eligible Nationality

These fellowships are available for international students.

Scholarship Benefits

The IAS will:

University of Birmingham IAS Vanguard Research Fellowships Programme Eligibility:

Eligible Countries: This fellowship is available for international applicants. Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria: They will assess applications against the following criteria:

Academic excellence and standing against the career stage of the proposed Vanguard Fellow;

Please note that we seek early/mid-career researchers would normally be within 15 years of achieving their Ph.D., who holds a research post in academia, industry, charity, arts, or other organizations, which are equivalent to the academic post of Lecturer or above, or who hold an individual Principal Investigator Fellowship. The extent to which the visit has the potential to enhance existing collaborative research or pump-prime new areas. English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

How To Apply For The University of Birmingham IAS Vanguard Research Fellowships Programme

I should send proposals to Please do not provide costings with this proposal – these will be done by IAS. Also, all applications should be made using the IAS Vanguard Proposal Form We ask for a case for support of up to 500 words from the internal sponsor to

Show fit to the aims  of the program;Indicate likely outcomes from the collaboration, together with a dissemination plan with specifics that will be delivered during the visit (e.g. seminar, workshop, public lecture) and subsequently (e.g. publications, new research projects) which will show the value of the visit to the academic community and external stakeholders and organizations;If relevant, an outline of research costs associated with the visit;Short CV of the applicant;Confirmation from the applicant that if IAS were to offer a Fellowship they would accept, together with a sign of the ideal dates of a visit.

Application Deadline

Applications are ongoing for the Autumn 2022 cohort of Vanguard Fellows for visits between 1 September and 15 December. However, interested applicants are to submit not later than Friday, 19 June 2022.


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