What you need to know about Asia

Asia is Earth’s largest and most populous continent, located primarily in the Eastern and Northern Hemispheres. It shares the continental landmass of Eurasia with the continent of Europe and the continental landmass of Afro-Eurasia with both Europe and Africa. One of the most important variables behind the miracle of the speed of growth and recovery in the Asian economies is the quality of education, The point of education in Asia is to equip people to become productive members of their given societies as well as equip the students with the skills and mentality to be able to successfully compete against the masses of other applicants. Asian students and schools receive continuously top marks in international rankings. The living costs in Asia are generally considerably lower than in Europe or the US. You can feel abundant even on a student budget. Due to these facts, When it comes to furthering studies, more and more students are interested in going to Asian countries to study.

More About the International Scholarships to Study in Asia 2022

Level/ Field of Study

The International Scholarships cover Undergraduate and postgraduate studies in any field offered at the University of your choice.

Host Nationality

The scholarships can be taken in Asian countries. If you are an international student and you desire to study in the UK, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the UK Below you’ll find a selection of some of the most exciting Asian scholarships and funding opportunities, covering China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea, as well as some other prominent funds spanning the region.

Scholarships to study in China

CAS-TWAS President’s Ph.D. Fellowship Program – Ph.D. fellowships for international students pursuing Ph.D. studies in China.Chinese Scholarships-Great Wall Program– Scholarships for international students from developing countries to study in China for one year at any degree level.Chinese Government Scholarships – Government scholarships open to EU students looking to gain funding to study in China. Open to students of all levels.Tsinghua University – A range of scholarships to study at Tsinghua University in Beijing.USTC Scholarship Program – The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) offers scholarships for international degree-seeking or exchange students, which award free tuition, free housing, health insurance, and a monthly living allowance.

Study in Hong Kong

HKSAR Government Scholarships Fund – Government scholarships for local and non-local students to gain funding to study in Hong Kong at selected institutions, such as the Belt and Road Scholarship for outstanding students from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam (it will be expanded in phases to students from other Belt and Road countries).Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) – Ph.D. scholarships for international students to study in Hong Kong at a selected university.

City University of Hong KongHong Kong Baptist UniversityHong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)University of Hong Kong (HKU)

Scholarships to study in Japan

ADB-Japan Scholarship Program – Graduate scholarships for students from various Asian and Pacific countries to study in Japan in development-related fields including economics, management, science, and technology.Aichi Scholarship Program for Asian Students in Japan – Various study abroad scholarships for Asian students studying at the graduate level in Aichi Prefectural government-approved manufacturing programs in Japan.Japan-IMF Scholarships Program for ASIA – Asian scholarships for students currently working in economy and finance within a government agency (e.g. ministry of trade) to study in Japan in a related field. Open only to students from selected Asian countries.Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships for International Research Students – Government scholarships to study in Japan on a graduate-level research program.JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program – Study abroad scholarships for doctorate holders wishing to conduct research in Japan at a selected institution.Keio University “Design the Future” Award for International Students– Full-tuition international scholarships to study in Japan within any field at Keio University.KUT Ph.D. Engineering Scholarships for International Students – Japanese scholarships for engineering students from selected countries to study in Japan at a Ph.D. level at Kochi University of Technology (KUT)Master’s Degree ABE Initiative – Scholarship for Africans to study in Japan on a development-related master’s degree program at an accredited university.MEXT Scholarship Program – Japan – Japanese government scholarships for Canadians wishing to gain funding for study in Japan. Funds also available for those undertaking Japanese studies.Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Foundation International scholarships for students of medicine, pharmacology, nutrition, physical education, or business administration to study in Japan.University of Tokyo Special Scholarship for International Students Over 100 study abroad scholarships for international graduate students to undertake academic research at the University of Tokyo.

Aoyama Gakuin UniversityOchanomizu UniversityTokyo Metropolitan UniversityTokyo University of ScienceWaseda University

Study in Singapore

Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships for UK Citizens – Asian scholarships for UK students to study in Singapore at a Ph.D. level.DST ASTAR Call for Singapore-India Joint Research Grants Grants for Indian researchers within the fields of science and technology to study in Singapore. Sponsored by the Indian government and AStar Singapore.Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarships – Graduate scholarships for research students at the National University of Singapore (NUS).NTU University Engineering Scholarship – Scholarships for undergraduate engineering students to study in Singapore at Nanyang Technological University (NTU).Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) – Ph.D. scholarships to study in Singapore in the fields of science and engineering at selected Singaporean universities.

Scholarships to study in South Korea

KFAS International Scholar Exchange Fellowship (ISEF) – 50 graduate scholarships for students from Asia to study in South Korea at leading institutions.Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP)  – South Korean government scholarships for international students at masters and Ph.D. level.Chung-Ang University Tuition Waiver Scholarships – Tuition waivers and dormitory fee reductions on offer to international undergraduate students studying at Chung-Ang University.Seoul National University Exchange Program Scholarships – Various scholarships for international exchange students studying at Seoul National University.Silk-Road Scholarship Program at Seoul National University – Scholarships for Indian students to study abroad in South Korea at Seoul National University, on graduate-level humanities or social science programs.Sogang Global Scholarship – Asian scholarships for international students participating in the Sogang Exchange Program at Sogang University in Seoul.

Hanyang UniversityKyung Hee UniversitySungkyunkwan University

Scholarships to study elsewhere in Asia

Asia Pacific University – International scholarships for new students to study at Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Chulalongkorn University Education and Research Scholarships – A range of scholarships to study at the graduate level at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand.Commonwealth Scholarship Plan – India – Government scholarships for students from Commonwealth countries to study an undergraduate, postgraduate or doctoral degree in India (excluding medicine and dentistry). Funded by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).ICCR Africa Scholarships – Scholarships for students from Africa to study abroad in India.KIMEP University – A variety of undergraduate scholarships for international students to study at KIMEP University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. There are also graduate scholarships available.Malaysia International Scholarships (MIS) – International scholarships funded by the Malaysian government and awarded to incoming masters and Ph.D. students at Malaysian universities. Priority is given to science and engineering students.HM King’s and HM Queen’s Scholarships for Asian Students in Thailand – Thai government scholarships for Asian nationals to study in Thailand at master’s level within engineering and technology, the management or environment, and development at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).SEARCA Full Masters and Ph.D. Scholarships – Southeast Asian scholarships open to graduate students from SEAMEO member countries (Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, etc.) on research programs in the fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, rural development, or education.Taiwan ICDF Scholarship Program – Study abroad scholarships for students of all levels to study in Taiwan at a university partnered with the ICDF. Open to nationals from selected developing countries only.Study in Taiwan Scholarships – A search tool for international scholarships to study abroad in Taiwan at all study levels. The study on Taiwan’s website also lists government scholarships.