Beat the Odds Scholarship is a $4,000 scholarship, renewable for up to four years, for students who have overcome adversity to succeed in school.

More About Stand For Children’s Beat the Odds Scholarship

Stand For Children Beat the Odd Scholarship program raises a concern about the challenges that prevent too many of Oregon’s young people from succeeding and to emphasizes the important role that education plays in helping students overcome those challenges.
Stand for Children Leadership Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit leadership development and training organization. They train ordinary people to be effective citizen leaders capable of solving problems facing children, both locally and statewide, by convincing elected officials and voters to invest in and reform vital children’s programs.

Level/Field Of Study

The Stand for Children’s scholarship is open to Oregon public high school seniors who will graduate in spring/summer 2022.

Host Nationality

This scholarship is hosted by the Stand For Children Organization, a US-based organization. Stand for Children is a non-profit education advocacy organization that focuses on ensuring all students receive a relevant and high-quality education – especially those whose unlimited potential is neglected and under-tapped because of their skin color, zip code, first language, or disability.

Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is open to citizens and residents of Oregon, United States.

For more information on Stand for Children Scholarships Oregon, applicants should visit either of the links below: Successful applicants of the Beat the Odds Scholarship receive $4,000, renewable for 4 years. In other words, Beat the Odds Scholarship Winners get a total scholarship award of $16,000 if he/she maintains a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, completes 12 credits or more per period. Furthermore, Beat the Odds scholarships depend on the acceptance of an approved 2 or 4-year college program and will be paid directly to the college. To apply for these scholarships, applicants must adhere to the following criteria:• He or she must be enrolled in a public high school in Oregon who will graduate in the spring/summer of 2021.• Has maintained at least a weighted average of 3.0 indicating effort, improvement, or marked success.• Successful in spite of challenges such as poverty, disability, homelessness, or personal tragedy.• He/she participated in activities that were useful to others.• Has a demonstrated financial need. Interested applicants should visit to apply Unfortunately, the application for Oregon Beat the Odds Scholarship 2021 is over. However, when open, the application deadline falls in September annually. Therefore, we encourage applicants to check back on this site for updates or visit the scholarship portal below