Germany has been a part of the world’s greatest creations in both arts and science. Over, 12% of students at German universities come from abroad. It is an attractive place to stay in and is known as a safe country. This article will highlight the top reasons students choose to study abroad in Germany. Usually, when people talk of places to study abroad, they think of France, Spain or Italy, and of course the USA. All these are the very choicest location you may want to settle in. However, students still choose to study abroad in Germany for so many reasons. They make this choice because, in part of its global prestige and friendly and open population, Germany pays special attention when choosing its ideal international study experience. Not to mention the fact that Germany abolished all tuition fees for national as well as international students. Hence, making it one of the best tuition-free countries for international students. Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? That is just one of the many perks of studying in Germany. So dive in to see the rest!

Is it Safe to Study Abroad in Germany?

Germany is commonly a safe nation so there’s no motivation to be excessively stressed. Considering the enormous number of international students that enroll in German colleges consistently, have confidence that you will be very okay without avoiding potential risk while in Germany. Most of the international students love to live in Germany and get a new line of work there after they finish their studies, which means the fulfillment rate is very high. However, in the earlier years, the terrorist attacks in Paris, Brussels and Berlin have shown us that Europe may be inclined to dangers. Because of the two terrorist attacks that occurred in the year 2016, there has been an expansion in security at transport focuses, public structures, and significant occasions that accumulate hordes of individuals. Generally, you ought to be cautious in crowds, festivals, and other swarmed places like games. Although the police will be there to help anything, you may be a survivor of pick-stashing. There are additional instances of road fights in Germany, as in many nations. Other than these, Germany is known to be very sheltered and quiet.

How Much Money Do You Need to Study in Germany?

You can study for free from public German universities as an undergraduate, there is a charge per semester for enrolment, confirmation, and administration. This is typically no more than €250 (~US$290) per semester but varies depending on the university.

Why is Germany the Perfect Place to Study Abroad?

Germany is a paradise for higher education. Unlike any other country, in Germany you will find many top-tier universities around the world, countless courses to choose from, globally qualified degrees that promise you high employability, and an affordable cost of living. Every year thousands of researchers around the world entrust their education to German universities and the reasons are obvious.

#1. Low Tuition Fees at Public Universities in Germany

Higher education is mainly funded by the state and it is free of cost for both national as well as international students. The higher education in Germany comprises around 400 institutions that are divided into public “tuition-free” institutions hosting 2.4 million students across Germany and other private institutions enrolling less than 5% of the total student body. Upon reaching consensus in October 2014, Germany is now offering access to free higher education in the country regardless of the student’s origin. This was great news for all the students aspiring to study overseas and who have strict budget constraints. I bet this will entice you as one of the good reasons to study abroad in Germany. READ ALSO: Study Free in Germany: Admission Requirement| Cost of Living | How to Apply for…

#2. Internationally Recognized Degrees

The universities in Germany operate under the Bologna reform, which ensures that all the students get a unified internationally recognized degree such as masters, bachelor’s or Ph.D. Germany provides quality education, and this has attracted many students. The perfect combination of quality education along with affordability makes Germany ideal for pursuing higher studies.

#3. Diverse Range of Study Opportunities

The higher education system in Germany has something for everyone. It has 450 state-accredited universities and 17,500-degree programs. The German universities offer degree programs in a variety of subjects and academic levels from bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. The courses offered are very practice-oriented and in a wide range of disciplines. This will another good reason to study abroad in Germany. READ ALSO: 100 Fully Funded Knight Hennessy Scholars Program at Stanford University in USA

#4. Affordable Living Expenses

The cost of living is low in Germany as compared to other European countries. The cost of food, clothing, rent and cultural activities are equivalent to the EU average. Students can just show their student IDs to avail discounts at theaters, opera houses, swimming pools, cinemas, and other institutes. This makes studying abroad in Germany affordable. I guess this will entice you as one of the good reasons to study abroad in Germany.

#5. Numerous Scholarship Program

Germany gives you the scholarship to finance your studies if you are an international student having outstanding academic achievement. Immaterial of your country, subject, or status, the German Academic Exchange Service scholarship database has a scholarship that matches your profile. Hence, if you meet the criteria, you can avail scholarships and fund your education. READ ALSO: What are the Fully funded Scholarships to Study in Germany? (Study for Free)

#6. Living in a Safe Country

Germany is a safe country on an international scale. The crime is comparatively low, and it is safe for the students. The police are reliable and helpful. Whether you live in the country or the big city, you can move freely day or night without having to worry about taking any special precautions. READ ALSO: 10 Best Medicine Scholarships in Germany for Students from Developing Countries

#7. Diverse Country in the Heart of Europe 

Germany is a diverse country with many facets. The beautiful beaches and mountains, pulsating metropolises, medieval city centers and to top it all, nature. Germany is located in the heart of Europe with other countries surrounding it. You have a wide range of destinations at your doorsteps such as Paris, Copenhagen, Prague, or Rome. Weekend trips are always fun with various options. The diverse culture along with different languages is the catch. This is another outstanding reason that will entice you to study abroad in Germany. READ ALSO: DAAD Scholarships For All Students-APPLY NOW

#8. Courses Offered in English

They offer a lot of degree programs in English, especially at Masters Level. This is good news if you do not know German or if it is not good enough yet. The international degree programs can very well be done in English. READ ALSO: Tuition-Free Universities to Study in English in Germany

#9. You Are Not Alone

About, 12% of the students in German universities come from abroad. You can interact with people of different nationalities. This gives you a chance of expanding your horizons and meeting new friends. Usually, the contacts made during your higher studies are lifelong relations and thus it helps you in networking. Thus, studying in Germany opens a lot of prospects and gives you an opportunity to shape your career by adding a global edge to it. You also have time to learn and grow and move beyond your comfort zone. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and accomplish your dream of study abroad in Germany! It might also interest you that you can work while studying in Germany. See the article below: Part-Time Work Options for International Students in Germany


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