The TaiwanICDF in its bid to support students who wish to pursue higher education but may not have all it requires, has established the Taiwan International Cooperation Alliance (TICA) with 21 partner universities, setting up an operational platform under this TICA framework to manage and improve this scholarship program. Interestingly, this 2021, there are about 31 programs offered for the TaiwanICDF Scholarship application in 31 different schools. Click here to see the list.

Specific details about the International Higher Education Scholarship

Here, you will find some specific details about the International Higher Education Scholarship that you will really require to successfully apply for the opportunity. Continue reading to find more details.

Level/Field of study:

The International Higher Education Scholarship is open to students pursuing undergraduate, masters and doctoral degree programs.

Host Nationality:

The TaiwanICDF scholarship is organized and hosted in Taiwan, Asia.

Eligible Nationality:

Only citizens of this country are entitled to apply for the International Higher Education Scholarship. Entries from other countries may not be considered.

Scholarship Benefit

Successful candidates who applied for this opportunity will enjoy the following benefits;

Frequently Asked Questions

Only citizens of Taiwan are entitled to apply for the International Higher Education Scholarship The International Higher Education Scholarship is open to students pursuing undergraduate, masters and doctoral degree programs. There are lots of benefits you will enjoy when you finally win this scholarship. You can check inside the post for details.