Study abroad programs have been becoming increasingly popular over the last decade. With transport and accommodation getting cheaper, parents started looking for better educational opportunities for their children. Modern programs allow studying in a few universities at the same time. Also, some of the study abroad experiences let students spend their four-year tenure between two countries. In any case, studying abroad helps youth to get a better understanding of educational opportunities in front of them. It may seem difficult to change countries and adapt. However, it’s also a great chance to find friends across the world and learn languages. Not every study abroad program requires you to study local languages. However, even if they offer this opportunity, for many, modern non-English speaking students should remember that they are not alone. Everyone can hire a paper editor on who can help with writing in English. The rest of success depends on how active a student is throughout the program. If opportunities to study abroad sound interesting to you, we offer a list of the most popular programs. These are the best options for you if you want to dive into a foreign educational experience.

Barcelona, Spain: American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS)

AIFS offers a perfect summer in Barcelona to its students. Those who already went to Spain to study admit that this was the best opportunity they had in years. The program is not only affordable but also eventful. Students can study and travel at the same time while learning the local language and culture. Every aspect of the program is well-thought which makes it even more attractive to students.

Vienna: IES Abroad in Austria

Do you love music? Do you want to study it in the native country of Mozart and Beethoven? What if we say that you now have a chance to do that? You can spend a semester or a whole year studying music in Vienna. The best teachers and the expert professors will help you do that. At the same time, you’ll reside in one of the safest and most beautiful cities in Europe. Why not try to catch this chance?

Athens: Study Abroad in Greece

If you are dreaming of an awesome summer, semester, or a year in Greece, it’s no longer a dream. You can take advantage of one of the most affordable programs and gain unforgettable experience in one of the most interesting countries in Europe. The program is a perfect fit for History and Philosophy students, but others will also enjoy this experience. If you are one of those who loved reading myths as a child, this study abroad program will inspire you.

Tanzania: CIEE Community Development, Language, and Culture

If Africa has always been your dream destination, this study abroad program will bring you to this continent. It’s Tanzania that welcomes students from all around the globe. Here, you’ll be able to study the local culture, lifestyles of urban and rural communities, provide some real-life solutions to socio-economic problems, and even learn some Swahili. The program is especially interesting to students learning Social Work, Nursing, and other ‘people’ specialities. At the same time, it’s also one of the most exciting ones for travel lovers.


Do you love Korean dramas? Have you always been interested in Korean culture? You can have first-hand experience in Korea by joining the program. This chance is offered by one of the top study abroad companies in the world. Students enrolled in the program will get to know Korean culture, adapt to the Korean way of life, and even study for a semester at Yonsei University. This is an exciting opportunity, so don’t hesitate to take advantage of it.

Siena, Italy: IES Abroad Tuscany

A summer in Italy—could it sound even better? Join this program, and you’ll travel to one of the most picturesque regions in the country – Tuscany. You’ll not only study but explore a variety of subjects, including local cuisine, vineyards, and the very lifestyle of Italians. This program is very popular and competitive. Yet, once you are in, you’ll definitely enjoy this opportunity. Nothing tastes better than a summer vibe somewhere under the Sienna sky.

Sweden: Uppsala International Summer Session

The Uppsala program is dedicated to expanding Swedish culture worldwide by promoting language learning and helping foreigners explore Sweden. It also offers weekly excursions to students who are interested in discovering the country. This program is one of the most affordable. Moreover, it is also one of the most eventful and intensive. If one finds this experience interesting, high chances are the Swedish universities will be glad to have them as a student.

India: AIFS Study Abroad in Hyderabad

India also welcomes students from around the globe to Hyderabad, the country’s capital of IT and Pharmaceutical industries. You will study at the University of Hyderabad, get professional and cultural knowledge, and live in the international dorm with other students. What can be more exciting? The program includes education, volunteering, group activities, and other stuff to help you get to know India. If you sign up for this program, a rich cultural experience for you is guaranteed.

Japan: Meiji Academy – Study Japanese in Fukuoka

Have you ever dreamt of visiting the homeland of samurai? You can do it in no time by just signing up for Meiji Academy’s program. It’s dedicated to enriching you with cultural experience but also helps you learn some Japanese. The program also offers some business courses in addition to the language. Either way, visiting Japan as part of the international student team is a great chance to see this country’s beauty.


Study abroad programs are the best choice for students who love studying but want to make studies more interesting and unique. If you are one of them, find the best program and sign up immediately. Go make your summer interesting. 

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