This might be the opportunity you have been looking for. Don’t just read, take advantage of this opportunity, and apply for any of the Masters’ Scholarship in Europe 2022. These facilities include tons of scholarships available for students who want to ply their academic thread in Europe. This article prepared by World Scholarship Forum will focus on exposing and unveiling out of many the 21 masters scholarships to study in Europe. Most of the scholarships would fund the students from the entry year to their graduating year and surprisingly most of the scholarships pay for travel tickets, accommodation, food, books, and other related expenses that could come up during the course of study. Thus, read this article with absolute carefulness so as to be able to grab the opportunities that will be made available in this article. Advice: apply to as many as you can to increase your chances of receiving the scholarships. You can as well graze this platform to see tons of scholarships for international students to study anywhere in the world.

Is studying in Europe easy for international students?

Studying in Europe can be very cost-effective. European countries channel huge resources in their higher education systems to catalyze and make education affordable for local and international students, whilst maintaining a very good and standard quality of Education. Each country and state in Europe has its own fee policy. Generally, from state to state; tuition fees here are lower or higher than in other leading study destinations. In fact, in many, and too valued European countries, study programs are subsidized to be free of charge. You will observe and that there are apparent variations in the cost of things with respect to the financial state of each country. Living costs, accommodation, food and drink, transport, and the rest vary across Europe. Basically, you would observe that Europe has suitable platforms and academic aiding systems that will make your academic journey a smooth walk. Therefore, if you are a local or international student wishing to study in Europe, I’ll probably say you’re making the right choice because there are tons of aiding facilities that would help you to have a smooth academic experience. Here is a list of Masters Scholarship in Europe:

British Chevening Scholarships for International StudentsDAAD Scholarships in Germany for Development-Related Postgraduate CoursesHolland Scholarship for Non-EEA International StudentsSwedish Institute Scholarships for Global ProfessionalsVLIR-UOS Training and Masters Scholarships in BelgiumEiffel Scholarships in France for International StudentsAcademic Excellence Scholarships at Tampere UniversityAmsterdam Excellence Scholarships in NetherlandsItalian Government Scholarships for Foreign StudentsGates Cambridge Scholarships for International StudentsRhodes Scholarships at Oxford University for International StudentsTransform Together Scholarships for International and European Union (non-UK) StudentsNottingham Developing Solutions ScholarshipsLeiden University Excellence Scholarships (LexS)Maastricht University Holland High Potential Scholarships for International StudentsRadboud Scholarship Programme for International StudentsUniversity of Twente Scholarships (UTS)Eric Bleumink Scholarships offered at University of GroningenUNIL Master’s Grants in Switzerland for Foreign StudentsUniversity of Bologna Study Grants for International Students

British Chevening Scholarships for International Students

Chevening Masters Scholarships are one of the most prestigious Master Scholarships in the UK. Actually, It’s ushered by UK government’s global scholarship programme, and funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) with partner organizations. Basically, this programme offers international Scholarships to outstanding scholars with leadership potential from anywhere in the world to study for a master’s degree programme in any subject at any UK university Deadline:  November 6th. Annually. Host/Eligibility Nationality: This is an international scholarship and one of the Scholarships in Europe. International students who are Masters degree students Level/Field of Study: Full-time Masters Degree Program in any field of study can apply to these scholarships. Scholarship Worth: Full funding throughout the Master’s degree program, and other obvious benefits Application Link

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is one of the most powerful serving platforms in the game of scholarship provision. They provides scholarships international Scholarships for international students for a range of Masters courses at German Universities which aim at providing academically educated young professionals from international communities with further specialized studies. Deadline: Aug-Oct Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in Germany. As one of the Scholarships in Europe, it is an international Scholarships open to international students from developing countries. Level/Field of Study: Masters degree programmes in courses: Economic Sciences

Business AdministrationPolitical EconomicsEngineering and Related SciencesRegional and Urban PlanningDevelopment CooperationAgricultural and Forest SciencesNatural and Environmental SciencesMathematicsMedicine and Public HealthSocial SciencesMedia StudiesEducation and Law

Scholarship Worth: The scholarships include monthly payments of 750 euros for Masters degree students until completion of the programme. Application Link

Holland Scholarship for Non-EEA International Students

The Holland Scholarship, as one of the Scholarships in Europe, well funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, is open to international students from outside the European Economic Area, who are masters degree students, and want to do their  masters degree programme at one of the Dutch universities of applied sciences in Holland. Deadline: 1st February and 1st May annually. Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in Hollands and open to international students, studying in any of the participating institutions Level/Field of Study: The Master’s scholarships are Offered in any field of study in the Master’s degree level. Bachelor’s students can as well apply. Scholarship Worth: The scholarship worths up to €5,000. Please be sure that this is not full-tuition scholarship. A student can only receive this scholarship for one year, and another student takes up the next year. Application Link

Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals

The Swedish Institute (SI) is now ushering the Swedish Institute international Scholarships for Global Professionals (SISGP), a new scholarship programme. SISGP offers masters scholarships to a large number of masters degree programmes starting in the autumn of the year. Deadline: 20 Feb. Annually Host/Eligibility Nationality: This international Scholarships is taken in Swedish Higher Education Institutions and Swedish Universities, open to international students. Level/Field of Study:  this Masters scholarships, is open to masters degree students, and as one of the Scholarships in Europe, can only be taken in Sweden. Scholarship Worth: The scholarship will cover tuition fees, and living cost of SEK 10,000  /month, and insurance, and a one time travel grant of SEK 15,000  will be Offered. Application Link

VLIR-UOS Training and Masters Scholarships in Belgium

VLIR-UOS presents scholarships to masters students from many countries in Latin-America, Africa, Asia, to acquire English taught training or master degree at a Flemish university/university college in Belgium. This represents one if the international Scholarships in Europe. Deadline: 1 Feb/1 Mar (annually) Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in participating Belgian Flemish University or university college, and open to international students who must be a national and resident in one of the 31 eligible countries  Level/Field of Study: open to masters degree students in any of the taught masters degree programmes at Belgian Flemish University. Scholarship Worth: Full funding till the completion of masters degree programme. Application Link

Eiffel Scholarships in France for International Students

The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program was ushered by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to aid French higher education institutions to magnet top foreign students to enroll in their  Masters degree programmes. It gives, and aid opportunities to the future foreign decision-makers of the private and public organizations, in priority areas of study, and advises students from developing countries at masters degree level to apply for this master’s scholarships. Deadline: The application is ongoing since October 31 and will end on January 9, 2022. The results will be published on March 23 2022 Host/Eligibility Nationality:  Can be taken in all French Institutions, Open to international students. If interested click here for the progam guideline. Level/Field of Study:  One of the Masters Scholarships in Europe, it is offered to Masters degree students in the field of Engineering, and science related majors. Scholarship Worth: Master students, awarded this masters scholarships will get €1,181, a maintenance amount of €1,031 and a monthly gift of €150 and can be awarded for 3 years. Application Link

Academic Excellence Scholarships at Tampere University

This is of the University scholarships in Europe intended for students who are required to pay fees in Masters degree programmes offered in English Language. The Masters Scholarships are awarded at admission to the best student and during studies to students who have done academically well in their respective Masters degree programmes. A substantial number of international scholarships are available and up for grabs. Deadline:  23 January. Annually. Host/Eligibility Nationality:  Tampere University Finland is the Host. As and open to international students. Level/Field of Study: As one of the Masters Scholarships in Europe, Masters degree students are welcome to Apply, in all fields of study. Scholarship Worth: It will cover 100% of the tuition fees in 3 years. Application Link

Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships in Netherlands

The Amsterdam Excellence Masters Scholarships for exceptionally talented Masters Degree students from outside Europe. The Amsterdam Excellence Scholarship (AES). This is one of the international Scholarships in Europe for non-EU international students. The Master’s Scholarships are available for acceptance. Deadline: January, and February Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in Netherlands, and open to Non-EU/ EEA International Students. Level/Field of Study: Masters degree students in accredited Master degree programmes. Scholarship Worth: Full funding for the study programme. Application Link

Denmark Government Scholarships for Non-EU Students

The Denmark Government invites highly qualified and energetic international students from all over the world to study in Denmark. A number of undergraduate and Masters scholarships are therefore offered yearly by the Danish Ministry of Education to aid students from countries outside the European Union and European Economic Area. The scholarships can be awarded for a full Bachelors or Masters degree programmes. Deadline: Varies Mar-Apr/Sep-Oct(annual) Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in In Denmark, and open to international students from non-EU countries. Level/Field of Study: Open to Bachelor’s and Masters degree students in any accredited field of study in Denmark. Scholarship Worth: Full tuition waiver, or partial tuition waiver, as the case may be. Application Link

Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation(MAECI) offers international Scholarships in favor of international students not residing in Italy and Italian citizens who are living abroad (IRE) for the academic year in order to catalyse international cultural, scientific and technological cooperation, to boost Italian language and culture and to aid Italy’s economic system in the world Deadline: 30 April. Annually Host/Eligibility Nationality: One of the international Scholarships in Europe for foreign International students. Scholarships are taken in Italian Institutions. Level/Field of Study: This is of Masters Scholarships, and open to Masters Degree students in any accredited field of Masters degree programmes. Scholarship Worth: winners may be excluded from the payment tuition fees depending on the policy of each University. Application Link

Gates Cambridge Scholarships for International Students

The Gates Cambridge international Scholarships are one of the most lucrative international Masters scholarships in Europe, and in the world. The opportunities are given to applicants from countries that are not in UN to pursue a Masters degree programmes in any area available at the University. Deadline: 10 October, and 5 December, annually Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, and open to international students. Level/Field of Study: Masters degree programmes offered at the Cambridge University. Scholarship Worth: Maintenance cost, and travel fare, including Tuition Waiver. Application Link

Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford University for International Students

The Rhodes international Scholarships are Masters Scholarships supporting exceptional all-round masters m students at the University of Oxford. Established in the will of Cecil Rhodes in 1902, the Rhodes a vintage and perhaps the one of the most important scholarships in Europe. Deadline: varies, July-Oct (annual) Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted at the Oxford University, and open to international students. Level/Field of Study: Rhodes Scholars are allowed to study any full-time Masters degree at the University of Oxford. Masters students are advised to apply. Scholarship Worth: Covers all fees, and offers £14,276 for living expense for one year. Application Link

Transform Together Scholarships for International and European Union (non-UK) Students

The International scholarships are open to undergraduate, and Masters international students applying to an undergraduate, and master Scholarships aided course at the Sheffield Hallam University in the academic year.  Local students in EU and international students are welcome to apply. Deadline: 31 May/1 Nov (annual) Host/Eligibility Nationality: Shelfield Hallam University is the proud host, and open to international students. Level/Field of Study: Masters Scholarships and Undergraduate Scholarships are available, for any accredited field of study. Scholarship Worth: 50% tuition Waiver is guaranteed Application Link

Nottingham Developing Solutions Scholarships

The Developing Solutions Masters Scholarships are designed for international Masters degree students who want to pursue a Master’s Degree programmes in the University of Nottingham and aid a difference to catalyse the development of their home country. Deadline: 20 April.  Annually. Host/Eligibility Nationality: University of Nottingham in United Kingdom is the proud host, and open to international students. Level/Field of Study: Open to Masters Degree Programmes, at Nottingham in the fields:

Faculty of EngineeringFaculty of Medicine & Health SciencesThe Faculty of ScienceFaculty of Social Science

Scholarship Worth: 50-100% support towards tuition fee payment. Application Link

Leiden University Excellence Scholarships (LexS)

The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship Programme (LExS) is open to outstanding Non-EU/EEA students enrolling in a full-time master’s degree programme at Leiden University. Deadline: 1 Feb / 1 Oct (annually) Host/Eligibility Nationality: Leiden University, The Netherlands. It’s open to International students. Level/Field of Study: Master Students in the fields:

ArchaeologyHumanitiesMedicine/LUMCGovernance and Global AffairsLawSocial and Behavioural SciencesScienceInterfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding

Scholarship Worth: €10,000 in the tuition fee

€15,000 of the tuition feeTotal tuition fee excluding the statutory tuition fee

Application Link

Maastricht University Holland High Potential Scholarships for International Students

Maastricht University Holland High Potential Masters Scholarships programme dispatches 24 scholarships, including tuition fee waiver and monthly salary every year for good international students from outside the European Union who have been offered to a Master degree programme at UM. Deadline: 1st February, annually. Host/Eligibility Nationality: One of the Masters Scholarships in Europe for international students. Level/Field of Study: Masters Students in one of the Masters degree programmes in the university. Scholarship Worth: The award will cover living expenses ranging €12,350 for 13 months,  €23,750 for 25 months, including health and liability insurance of €520. visa application costs of €192, a staggering tuition fee of €13,000, €15,000 or €17,500, which all depends on the tuition of your Masters study programme, and pre-academic training costs of €695. Application Link

Radboud Scholarship Programme for International Students

This Programme dispatches numbers of talented Masters degree scholarships to students who are  non-EEA students and therefore give them the opportunity to receive masters training at Radboud University. Deadline: 1st March Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted by the Radboud University in The Netherlands, and offered to non-EU international students. Level/Field of Study: As one of the international Scholarships in Europe, it is opened to Masters degree programmes: Arts, Theology & Religious Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, The Faculty of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Law, and The Faculty of Science. Scholarship Worth: The scholarship will reduce your tuition fee to € 2,078 and funds visa and insurance. A grant holder in 2022 will pay a tuition fee of just €2,078, instead of the normal €11,466 or €12,640. Application Link

University of Twente Scholarships (UTS)

University Twente Scholarships are one of the international Scholarships in Europe for excellent students from both EU and non-EU countries, applying for a Masters degree programme(MSc) at the University of Twente in Netherlands. Deadline: 1 Feb/1 May (annually) Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in the Netherlands and open to local and international students. Level/Field of Study: Masters degree students in the following fields: Applied Mathematics

Applied PhysicsBiomedical EngineeringBusiness AdministrationBusiness Information TechnologyChemical EngineeringCivil Engineering and ManagementCommunication StudiesComputer ScienceConstruction Management and EngineeringEducational Science and TechnologyElectrical EngineeringEmbedded SystemsEnvironmental and Energy ManagementEuropean StudiesHealth SciencesHuman Media InteractionIndustrial Design EngineeringIndustrial Engineering and ManagementInternet Science & TechnologyMechanical EngineeringNanotechnologyPhilosophy of Science, Technology and SocietyPsychologyPublic AdministrationSustainable Energy TechnologySystems and Control

Scholarship Worth: The Masters scholarship ranges from € 3,000 to € 25,000. Application Link

Eric Bleumink Scholarships offered at University of Groningen

The Eric Bleumink Fund gives scholarships to talented international students and young master’s degree students from developing countries. The international scholarships are towards a 1 year or 2 years Masters degree program. Deadline: 1 December (annually) Host/Eligibility Nationality: University of Groningen in Netherlands is the proud host, and open to international students, including African Scholarships. Level/Field of Study: All Masters degree students in any accredited field of study in the University. Scholarship Worth: The Scholarships covers tuition fee, costs of international trips, subsistence, and health insurance, books. The grant is given for a 1 year or 2 years Masters degree program. Application Link

UNIL Master’s Grants in Switzerland for Foreign Students

The University of Lausanne in Switzerland offers the UNIL Masters scholarships Grants on a merit basis to international students who wish to pursue Masters Degree programmes at the University. Deadline: 1st November, annually. Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, and open to international students. Level/Field of Study: Master’s programme from among the ones offered by the UNIL, except the following

Master from the School of MedicineMaster of EducationA Master of LawMaster of criminal Law, magistracy specialism

Scholarship Worth: It amounts to CHF 1,600 every month. Application Link

University of Bologna Study Grants for International Students

The University of Bologna gives out study grants and full tuition fee coverage to deserving international students who wish take up a master’s degree program at the University of Bologna. This is one of the international Scholarships in Europe for international students from all parts of the world. Deadline: 29 Mar/30 April (annually) Host/Eligibility Nationality: University of Bologna, Italy, and open to international students from the globe. Level/Field of Study: Masters students in any accredited field of study in the university of Bologna. Scholarship Worth: 20 study grants worth €11.059 each, and full tuition fee waivers for a total amount of €100.000 for Second Cycle degree programmes Application Link We’ve also put together these important scholarships that might bring your scholarship search to a happy stop. Check them out and apply! Basically, to get a free master’s degree in Europe means someone or some organization paid your dues in full. So, you must apply for scholarships. There are fully-funded scholarships in Europe that can help you get a master’s degree free. Basically, a lot of scholarships abound in Europe for you to grab the opportunity. However, you need information. Get all the information you need on the World Scholarship Forum. Then, research, check eligibility, tweak your resume. Also, take your time seriously and apply. In fact, keep applying, get the grades, and never give up.
Germany tops the list of countries that offer free education to international students. In fact, at some universities in Germany you may pursue higher education at no cost. Other countries include Norway, Austria, Finland and Czech Republic among many others.

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