According to Science Daily, specific learning disabilities affect up to 10% of the world’s population. Some of these disabilities such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, and autism, translate to 2 or 3 pupils in every classroom. Of course, while there’s a simple straightforward cure, there’s still a way to thoroughly manage or overpower it completely. In fact, that is the goal of all the schools we will be list here.

What are Learning Disabilities?

The human brain has the power to interpret information rapidly within a very short time frame. Hence, this makes the reaction very quick and highly efficient as well. If at any time, a human being fails to rapidly react in the presence of a situation that calls for it, it’s highly abnormal. This can come in any form but we will focus on when it happens in a time of learning. So, in a nutshell, a learning disability is a condition that impedes a person from holding and understanding information. This inability can cut across other general living areas. While there is no cure for this condition, it has different dimensions that can be managed. We will briefly look at the different areas in the next section of this article.

What are the Types of Learning Disabilities?

While learning disability is a general disorder, it has certain aspects that are unique to each other. So, these aspects will be managed with specific means in order to get them functioning at certain levels. Hence, the types of learning disabilities include;


This is a type of disability wherein the student expresses difficulty when it comes to math calculations and understanding numbers. This is basically weakness in fundamental number representation and processing.


This is a learning ability wherein an individual cannot produce an eligible letter in writing. This disability has a lot to do with the function of a lack of mental storage for information an individual wants to communicate.


This is one of the most popular disorders common among a lot of people. Dyslexia is basically the inability to read and write. Due to its popularity, better ways of improving this inability have been introduced by professionals.

Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities

This is a disability wherein a person doesn’t understand non-verbal communication such as facial expressions, sign language, and body movements.


This is a disorder wherein the person has difficulty staying focused and paying attention. The person will also find it very difficult to control behavior and hyperactivity.


This is a disorder wherein the person encounters difficulty in movement and coordination, language, and speech.

Executive Function

Executive Functioning is a disability that affects planning, strategizing, and paying attention to details. The person finds it difficult to organize their thoughts in practicable actions.

Are Learning Disabilities Inherited?

Learning disabilities are not contagious – cannot be transferred from one person to another. However, research has shown that they can be genetically transferred. So, if you don’t have a learning disability and you’re surrounded by individuals with learning disabilities, you’re safe. On the other hand, if you catch traces of learning disabilities in your family line, then you stand at risk.

Are Learning Disabilities Boarding Schools the Best?

Indeed, a boarding school for students with learning disabilities is the best. Because these children feel the presence of people who can associate with their pain. So, as much as you might miss your kid, enroll the child so they can get close observation, and learn the right habits to overcome their disabilities.

What is the cost of Boarding Schools for Students With Learning Difficulties?

Special needs schools and programs have different costs. However, on a large scale, full-time special needs boarding schools have tuition between $20,000 and $100,000 each year. On the other hand, schools with part-time special needs support have a slightly lower range of tuition, normally between $15,000 and $50,000 a year. However, if you cannot afford this, you can check out other funding opportunities like the one below. Kindly Check Out The Karman Healthcare Scholarship- World Scholarship

10 Best Boarding Schools for Students With Learning Disabilities | 2022

To effectively rank the best boarding schools for students with learning disabilities, we used the following ranking factors. Hence, they include; We checked their rankings to ensure they occupy good positions. We used Boarding Schools Review as the ranking factor. Considering the difficulty involved in getting into these schools, we ranked them by their specialization. As we know the specialization is boarding schools for students with learning disabilities. Our final criteria for judging these schools is the number of students that are in each of them.

10. Darlington School

Darlington School is a co-ed independent boarding school for students in pre-K through High School. They have a desire to input wisdom into the minds of their students so they can serve honorably. Students with learning disabilities have access to different learning styles. One popular style is the multisensory learning which also has different subareas as well. Although the school has largely been on lockdown because of the pandemic, they are gradually opening their borders again. Currently, their staff works remotely. As much as they can’t physically connect with the students, they can connect with them in other ways. Darlington remains a shining light – showing students their inherent ability in the face of disability.

9. Academy of The Holy Family

The Academy of the Holy Family located in Baltic, Connecticut, is an all-girls Catholic Day & Boarding High School for girls within grades 9-12. Although they’re an all-girls school, they have done exceptionally well. The Academy of the Holy Family continuously pushes to achieve academic excellence. They largely boast about their “family” environment. Indeed, this environment has helped its students with the skills they will need for life. This academy has small class sizes that allow their students to receive hands-on learning. This learning is executed in an environment that is conducive and intellectually stimulating. As one of the best boarding schools for students with learning disabilities, this academy continually pushes forward. The coming years look very promising for them in every area.

8. Cheshire Academy

Cheshire Academy is one of the boarding schools for students with learning disabilities. Indeed, they have a reputation for graduating well-groomed students from their institution. They have about 119 different course offerings as students from over 31 countries and 19 states are enrolled in this school. The student to teacher ratio stands at 6:1 in this school. In order to build a focused and organized group among the students, each class doesn’t have more than 10 members. Hence, this makes it easy for the educator to build the right relationship with each student. Students who find it difficult to learn as others are given special attention to ensure they catch up.

7. The Calverton School

The Calverton School has a core goal. To build student intellectual curiosity, personal responsibility, and a strong work ethic in its students. In turn, this will prepare them for higher education and make them responsible citizens in their community and industry. This school is a community of respect, tolerance, and learning. In this community, honor is vital. Honor is actually the secret ingredient in order to live and learn in an environment of trust. At Calverton School, no external edict passes judgment on the right or wrong; instead, the expectation is that each member of its community accepts a personal obligation to act in honor. Indeed everyone will make mistakes, however, sacrifice, growth, and learning are fruits that show responsibility for these mistakes. Then, after the necessary corrections, progress continues in a forward direction.

6. Bridgton Academy

Bridgton Academy enjoys a partnership with Plymouth State University, Saint Joseph’s College of Maine, which grants students the opportunity to add some college programs to their courses. They believe in the power young men have to change their lives. Essentially, Bridgton focuses on young people within 18- and 19-year olds during the year between high school and college. Over a long period of time, they have learned that this is the year that makes the difference. In essence, every student can achieve more in college, athletics, and life beyond school. Every academic program gets students ready to succeed in college and at schools that might have felt out of reach. Students with delicate conditions are given special training to enable them to catch up. Indeed, for so many reasons, this is one of the best boarding schools for students with learning disabilities. Find Out The 10 Best Equestrian Boarding Schools in the World |

5. Brentwood College School

Brentwood is a co-educational boarding school for students within Grades 9 to 12. When you consider the school’s history and achievements, you will be drawn to them. They possess an innovative approach and a spectacular oceanfront setting. In other to attain this height, they have worked diligently to establish a transformative place of learning and leadership. They have taken into record the deep educational experience of a small college rather than just a traditional boarding school. Brentwood’s purpose remains to help students possess life skills vital for success in the post-secondary world. They gain these skills while studying in a safe, caring, and nurturing environment. Today, this school remains a model for other boarding schools in the world. Their students have recorded success in different areas even those with learning disabilities mastered the right habits that plummeted their condition.

4. Besant High School

Besant Hill School is a boarding school located in California. As a pledge, they honor individuality, critical thinking, creative and artistic passions, global citizenship, and environmental activism. As a boarding school, they have a small body so as to ensure each and every student completely feels important and valued. Probably this is why they accept about 6 students every session. Unlike other boarding schools, Besant Hill believes in creating an intimate environment that allows them to be more than just a school to its students. Instead, they seek to groom a culture of caring, learning, and empowerment. Due to this culture, students build powerful relationships that are generally priceless. In fact, it’s something that a lot of people have commended Besant Hill about.

3. Apple Wild School

Applewild is an independent school that grants students a formative, individualized, and innovative education. To be precise, they are an interdisciplinary program for eighth and ninth graders who want an additional year of preparation before secondary school. They possess a tradition of excellence in liberal arts education and always stress the importance of the right value system. A very supportive and inclusive community helps students develop strengths, overcome challenges, and gain interest in learning. Applewild is generally known to graduate students who have a strong sense of personal security and leadership. Additionally, they understand the lessons of perseverance and making the right demands where necessary. With all these goals in mind, students with learning difficulties come out like shining stars. It would be almost impossible to say that they once had any difficulty learning.

2. Trinity-Pawling School

Trinity-Pawling seeks to ignite the greatness inside the life of the boy child. Essentially, they turn goals into practical plans which will in turn yield the required results as well. There’s no such thing as the sidelines in this school – everyone is committed to building and development of character and intelligence. So, practical learning is their key tool. Trinity-Pawling believes in celebrating the successes of their students. Hence, no matter the little progress you attain, they’ll make a molehill out of it. Indeed, it is very encouraging and accommodating. For many reasons, they’re one of the best boarding schools for students with learning disabilities. In fact, their coordination and togetherness won’t make you feel indifferent.

1. Forman School

Forman School provides students with learning differences an opportunity to feel good about themselves. In this institution, students from grade 9-PG get the attention they deserve. Due to their desire to provide quality attention to these students, they have a maximum of 8 students in their class. Indeed, they have encountered success at different levels. For a long time, they have recorded a 100% success when it comes to seeing their students getting into college after completing their program with them. They’re indeed the best boarding school for students with learning disabilities for these reasons and more. A learning disability is a condition wherein an individuals has difficulty in holding and interpreting information he or she has been taught accurately. While there is no outright medication/cure for learning disabilities, it can be overcome through professional guidance. Yes, there are schools that help students with learning disabilities overcome them. Some of the signs associated with learning disability include;Problems reading and/or writing. Problems with math. Poor memory. Problems paying attention. Trouble following directions. Clumsiness. Trouble telling time. Problems staying organized.


Learning disabilities are popular. In fact, it’s a normal scenario nowadays. So, if you have a kid with this condition, you should not panic. Although there is no outright cure, it can be managed. A lot of schools like the one listed here have helped students with learning disabilities overcome them. Not by medication but by patience, training, and skillful guidance. So, don’t let your child or any kid you know suffer like they don’t have hope. Tell them about the boarding schools for students with learning disabilities.


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